Pre-Charge Resistor is installed in the Power Relay Assembly
(PRA) and it protects the high voltage circuit by limiting the charging
current when the inverter capacitor is being pre-charged.
[With High Voltage Battery Heater System]
1. Main Relay (+) 2. Main Relay (-) 3. Pre Charge Relay 4. Pre Charge Resistor
5. Battery Current Sensor 6. High Voltage Battery Heater Relay 7. High Voltage Battery Heater Fuse
[Without High Voltage Battery Heater System]
1. Main Relay (+) 2. Main Relay (-) 3. Pre Charge Relay
System Circuit Diagram
With High Votlage Battery Heater System
Without High Voltage Battery Heater System
Circuit Diagram
Without High Voltage Battery Heater System
With High Voltage Batt ...